Wednesday, May 18, 2005Round 2 of the get up stand up leafletting took place last Saturday afternoon
(14th May).
Round 2 of the get up stand up leafletting took place last Saturday afternoon (14th May). And while the numbers taking part were lower than round 1, which took place after the Mayday march( see, what we lacked in numbers we made up for in enthusiasm. Meetings, conferences, medical training and weddings combined to ensure that many of our activists were otherwise occupied but nevertheless those of us who did turn up distributed about 1,000 leaflets in about an hour and a half. Shopworkers in the Grafton Street-South William Street area and in the St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre were leafletted with the leaflet detailing basic workers' rights and urging them to join a trade union and stand up for their rights. We got a very positive response from everyone and the leaflets were eagerly accepted by all. And of course the fact that the sun was shining made for a very pleasant stroll along the street popping in and out of the shops. The next leafletting session will take place on Thursday 26th May when we hope to leaflet the Jervis centre, ILAC Centre and O'Connell Street. We're meeting up outside the Jervis Centre (Henry St. entrance) at 7pm and plan on following up our activity with a short meeting in the lounge of the Teachers Club (36 Parnell Square) around 9pm. This meeting will discuss ideas for taking our campaign to such far flung places as Dundrum 'Town Centre', The Square in Tallaght, Blanchardstown, Liffey Valley and various other suburban locations!! So forget about weddings etc. and come along, get involved - the more the merrier. It'll be easy to remember the date, it's the night after Liverpool are going to win the European Cup. See you there.
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