Monday, April 18, 2005Don’t moan - organise.
From fast food outlets, to assembly lines, from corner shops to hyper markets there is one common relationship. That is the relationship between boss and worker. Those of us that have to sell our time as workers enabling us to pay rent, buy food and engage in leisure activities have nothing in common with those who buy our time. Those of us that sell our time are the employee class. Those that buy our labour are the employing class. These two classes have nothing in common.
Yet ideologues on all sides of the spectrum tell us that class is no longer an issue, history is closed and with it all debate son how society should be run. On one hand we are told we no longer need trade unions and worker’s organizations, the unions sit around the table of social partnership as if the bosses, state and workers shared a common interest. The class war is over they say. Yet the employing class come together under the banner of organizations like the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association, local chambers of commerce and others. In these organizations the employing class safeguard and organize for their interests, using their powers to place pressure on government. Traditionally, we the employee class came together in trade unions to defend our interests. The existence of these two separate forms of organization are testament to the fact that these two classes have nothing in common. They class war is still being waged. However now it is been waged by the bosses, and the state against us, the employee class. It’s time the tables were turned. It’s time we organized for our rights and to win more This Mayday weekend, the Get Up Stand Up Campaign will be organizing a block on the Trades Council March In Dublin. After the march we will be returning to the roots of Mayday and parading through the city to distribute leaflets on basic workers rights to people working in casualised labour. Join us in building the labour movement. Don’t moan - organise.
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